AOS is an AI inference verification and sampling network for the Hetu protocol on EigenLayer. AOS can bring enhanced security to AI networks, while supporting more efficient and clean verification services for AI networks. We are utilizing logical clocks as the core mechanism.
Network Info
The information about the AOS Network and its corresponding settlement layer EigenLayer is as follows:
AOS Network Network Name - AOS Network RPC URL - https://rpc.aos.network Chain ID - 627416 Currency Symbol - AOS Block Explorer URL - https://explorer.aos.network
EigenLayer Network Name - EigenLayer RPC URL - https://rpc.eigenlayer.io Chain ID - 588491 Currency Symbol - EIGEN Explorer - https://explorer.eigenlayer.com
Settlement Layer (L1) - EigenLayer Stack - EigenLayer PoS Block Time - 5 seconds Block Gas Limit - 50,000,000 Checkpoint Periods - 30 minutes Challenge Periods - 3 days
AI Model Registry Submit and lookup verified AI models in the registry.
Inference Verifier Run an inference verifier node to verify AI computations.
AOS Explorer Explore AOS network data like verifications, samples, stakes.
EigenLayer Explorer View EigenLayer blocks and transaction data.
We welcome feedback! Join the discussion on our forum or open an issue on GitHub.
Last updated